Personal Loan Options to Keep Life Moving.
Go Local for Your Consumer Loan.
For unexpected expenses or a planned home remodel, River City Bank’s comprehensive suite of loan products can help secure the money you need—when you need it. Our team of loan professionals is available to help you understand all of your options and to assist you in choosing the loan that's right for your needs. Backed by prompt decisions, made locally, River City Bank is here to help get you started and is prepared to assist you every step of the way.
- Home Equity Loans & Lines of Credit
- Personal Loans
You are eligible to apply for a Consumer Loan* with River City Bank if you live in Placer, El Dorado, Sacramento, or Yolo County. Simply call (916) 567-2755 to find out more about the application process.

Online & Mobile Banking Solutions So You Can Bank Anytime, Anywhere.
* Subject to credit application and approval