
Lockbox Services

Stress Less with Streamlined Payment Processing.

Stay on top of the high volumes of payments running through your business with our sophisticated lockbox services. You can customize them to your business and easily streamline your accounts receivable process. The result: less fraud, fewer errors, and improved productivity.

We specialize in processing payments for industries such as property management, homeowners associations, utilities, and nonprofits. Our robust platform includes image and data capture services, too.

Lockbox Services Include:

  • Daily transaction counts and funds deposited reports.
  • Robust online platform to assist with image retrieval.
  • Customized correspondence and document delivery options.
  • Preparation and delivery of all deposits, including paper and electronic bill pay items.
  • Sorting and classifying specific to each client.
  • Ability to scan walk-in lockbox items from your office to be merged with daily bank reporting.

Image and Data Capture Services Include:

  • Daily updating of the stop list to ensure that only authorized payments are processed.
  • Automated validation and stop list processing to ensure accuracy and eliminate manual entry.
  • High-speed electronic file transfers to client database.
  • Scan, image, or manual entry of customer records and related bank information.
  • Table edits and check digit routines to save time and eliminate data errors.
  • Web access for image storage and retrieval.
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Talk to Us.

Contact us today to learn how your business can benefit from our fast, efficient, and cost-effective lockbox services. Call (916) 567-2660.