Pat Lewis is the EVP/Chief Operating Officer of River City Bank and is responsible for the daily operations of the Bank. Pat has been with the bank for over 17 years and appreciates the collaboration and strong work ethic of her colleagues at RCB. She spoke candidly with us about her ardent admiration for her father, her fondness for Beantown, and how a cheese board and a cool beverage can erase the stressors of a long day at work.
Hometown: Houston, TX is where I grew up, but I’ve spent most of my adult life in Sacramento. Home is where the heart is!
First Job: K-Mart Customer Service Desk. I learned some great customer service survival skills (listening, communication, multi-tasking, maintaining a poker face, etc.), especially the day after Christmas, and whenever I had to run the “Blue Light Special.” A flashing blue light still elicits a fight or flight response from me.
First Car: 1980 Firebird Formula with T-Top, until it was taken away. That’s a story for a different time and place.
Favorite Quote: “Be humble, be hungry, and be the hardest worker in the room.” Dwayne Johnson
Favorite Movie: Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Who doesn’t like the GOAT, Audrey Hepburn?
Favorite Song: Imagine by John Lennon – Sometimes the lyrics hit me just right and are so poignant that I get emotional with the hope that someday we could all imagine…
What are you reading right now? The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates is next in queue.
Favorite place in Sacramento: Ella Dining Room & Bar – The Artisan Cheese Board paired with The Real Gin and Tonic make even the toughest days a bit easier.
First site or app you check in the morning: I literally start my day by rolling over and grabbing my phone to scan email and text messages. I assure you, there is no such thing as banker’s hours, and stuff happens 24×7 in banking!

Favorite city to visit: Boston – great history, lots of culture, awesome food & beverages, and who can resist Fenway!
If you have an extra hour in the day, how would you spend it? I would spend it having breakfast with my boys (dad, husband, and son), listening to their stories, and laughing my booty off.
Who is your favorite hero/heroine of fiction? Katniss Everdeen because she stands up for her beliefs and is a real bad***.
What is something people would be surprised to know about you? I love to sing. Unfortunately, I can’t carry a tune, but I’m the best ever when I sing along with the radio in my car. Don’t be scared if you see me on the road, mouth moving fervently, and be-bopping along. It isn’t road rage. It’s just me thinking that I can win a Grammy someday.
What is your idea of perfect happiness? Playing games with my family & friends – This usually is accompanied by lots of eating, drinking, and merriment. I particularly enjoy that we can be obnoxiously competitive and still love each other when the game is over.
What did you want to be when you were a child? Foreign news correspondent – It seemed very adventurous, romantic, and most of all relevant. I loved watching Walter Cronkite and Barbara Walters with my parents and talking about world events.
What is your greatest fear? That it is my carpool day and I’ve forgotten the children.
Which living person do you most admire? I am wonderstruck by my father. He led six tours of duty, retired from the military with honors, completed his undergraduate degree (Phi Beta Kappa) and MBA while working full time, retired, again, from the private sector, and NEVER missed a family event. He is a fierce leader with a heart of gold, and I’m proud to be daddy’s girl!
What causes are you supporting at the moment? 1. Youth Sports – It builds character and teaches our young men and women quite a few life skills: working hard, leadership, being a team player, and overcoming adversity, just to name a few. I’ve watched my son and his teammates become fine young men because of their role models and experiences. 2. Climate Change – Let’s get real, and all do our part. If not, we won’t have a planet left for our youth to enjoy.
What is your greatest extravagance? Sleeping in, which doesn’t really happen with my schedule.
What is your current state of mind? Blessed – Not to be cliché, but it’s a wonderful life. I’ve got a supportive and loving family, fantastic friends, and a career that still keeps me jazzed every day.
What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Patience – If it needs to be done, just do it.
What was the best piece of business advice you were given when you were starting out? Be a duck and let it roll off your back. You can’t please all people, you won’t always be right, and things sometimes don’t go your way. Shake it off and move on.
What do you like best about working at River City Bank? I appreciate that I get to work with the best bankers in the business. We’re all built with the same value structure, and we’re drivers that propagate River City Bank’s vision to be the premier commercial bank in California. My colleagues are collaborative, supportive, and competitive. We’re a team that loves to win!