
Password Tips

Sample Password Policy

  • Minimum of eight characters
  • Expires every 90 days
  • Lock-out after three unsuccessful attempts to authenticate
  • Requires a mixture of letters, numbers and special characters
  • Cannot contain your name or other personally identifying information
  • Cannot reuse any of the 12 previously used passwords for the account
  • Cannot be a word that is in common usage
  • Cannot use same password in two accounts of systems
  • Cannot be the same password you use for non-work access
  • Cannot be shared among employees

Tips for an Effective Password

  1. Choose a word that means something to you and is easy to remember: kitten
  2. Choose a word that represents the website or application you are using: core
  3. Link words and capitalize first letter: Corekitten
  4. Intersperse numbers: Co1re2ki3tt4en
  5. Add a special character at the end: Co1re2ki3tt4en!