Travel Tips and Tools
The travel season is amongst us, and whether you’re touring Europe or taking a road trip, we want to help you stay on top of your finances. Our secure banking services and stringent fraud protection are designed to give you peace of mind. With proper planning, together we can make sure your experience using your debit card while traveling goes smoothly.
Before you set out on your trip, make sure to follow the steps listed below:
- Notify us in advance. By notifying us of where you will be traveling, we can unblock the country from our system so transactions can be presented to the Bank.
- We like to play it safe, so although we will remove the block from the country, transactions will still go through our fraud detection system. If the fraud detection system feels there is something suspicious about the transaction, it may be blocked.
- Check with us on your daily ATM withdrawal/POS limit.
- As a precaution, we recommend bringing an alternate debit/credit card on your trip in case one stops working.
- Make sure your contact information with the bank is current. This will ensure the fraud department calls the most current phone number. Please keep in mind that at this time the fraud department does not have the ability to contact you via text or e-mail.
- Make sure to carry the banks contact information with you and contact us if there are any issues using your card(s).
Important Phone Numbers Listed Below:
Customer Service:
Contact one of our Customer Service Representatives in Sacramento at (916) 567-2899, or elsewhere in California at (800) 564-7144. Our representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Lost or Stolen ATM/Debit Mastercard:
To report your River City Bank ATM/Debit Mastercard as lost or stolen, please call (916) 567-2899 or (800) 564-7144. This service is available 24/7.