River City Bank's Executive Forum Series is an exclusive program tailored for senior executives. The Forum is designed to provide valuable knowledge and insights from business leaders and executives across different businesses and industries. Handpicked for their expertise on relevant topics for today’s businesses, panelists offer guidance and recommendations based on their professional experiences. The presentations are followed up with roundtable discussions with attendees to discuss key takeaways from their experiences.
With two successful programs already under its belt, River City Bank's 2024 series is off to a solid start.
March 27, 2024 – “The Growth Engine: Driving an Employee Development Culture"
Organizations that offer quality professional development and training opportunities can reap additional rewards when those programs result in significant performance improvement. When employees feel valued by their employer, the result is often improved loyalty, productivity, and engagement with their organization.
The March Executive Forum, "The Growth Engine - Driving an Employee Development Culture," offered a compelling overview of the importance of professional development and training in an organization. Moderated by Eric Anderton, CEO of Construction Genius, the all-star panel was comprised of Mary Teichert, President of Teichert Construction, Sue Weiler-Doke, Senior Consultant of D. Brown Management, and Pat Lewis, Chief Operating Officer of River City Bank. These experts discussed how creating open conversations with employees and balancing a supportive work culture with continuous learning can benefit employers and employees alike.
May 30, 2024 – “How to Effectively Structure a Finance Department”
The Executive Forum in May focused on structuring finance department roles and responsibilities for growth and success. The conversation centered around how companies develop, nurture, and maintain an airtight finance team to improve the bottom line.
The discussion, led by Moderator Rod Barbour from Lawson Mechanical Contractors, underscored the Finance Department's strategic role as a unifying factor across different parts of an organization. Panelists Rebecca Freeman of Chordline Health, Lorie Symon of Aerometals, Inc., and Brian Killeen from River City Bank shared their insights on how these essential roles within Finance can be harnessed for organizational success.
With the ongoing support of our sponsors, Bender Insurance Solutions, BFBA, LLP, and Murphy Austin Adams Schoenfeld LLP, we are excited to present more insightful programs for the business community.