Smishing is very much like phishing where a scam is sent via text messages on mobile devices instead of emails. These scams try to trick users with messages that appear to be legitimate alerts from River City Bank. Again, keep in mind that River City Bank will never ask for your personal information by email or text.
Smishing Example and What You Should Do:
- A popular tactic of scammers is to send notifications about ‘suspicious’ activity in user’s accounts and requesting the user to take action immediately by providing personal information. Our text fraud alert system will notify you about suspicious activity on your debit card, but we will not ask for account or personal information. Following is an example of River City Bank’s fraud alert text message from short number “32874”:
FreeMsg: River City Bank Fraud Dept 8003694887: Suspicious txn on card 1111: $201.99 WALMART.
If authorized reply YES, otherwise reply NO. To Opt Out reply STOP.
- If you receive a message from River City Bank requesting personal information such as Social Security number, bank and credit card numbers, usernames and passwords, please alert River City Bank immediately at (800) 564-7144.
FreeMsg: River City Bank Fraud Dept 8003694887: Suspicious txn on card 1111: $201.99 WALMART.
If authorized reply YES, otherwise reply NO. To Opt Out reply STOP.